Facilitation for Productive Meetings

The real measure of a meeting’s value is what actually gets done after the meeting is over. Your meeting is successful when everyone leaves with a shared understanding of what was decided and why, and with a clear sense of next steps.  We’ll help you develop clear and realistic objectives for your meetings, decide who to invite, craft a focused agenda, define roles, and select the right tools and process to achieve your goals.

We tailor our role to fit your meeting facilitation needs. Sometimes we play a front and center role to keep the meeting on track, and to provide everyone the opportunity to fully participate.  And sometimes we are there to facilitate only a portion of the meeting or provide support to you while you facilitate the discussion. If necessary, we can also help you develop a plan to document and share what was discussed and decided at the meeting, and to track the status of the to-dos assigned to the people who attended.

"[You] masterfully guided [our team] through the agenda and the retreat ended on time with all objectives met to the highest satisfaction of the board and myself."

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